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Liberating Your Loving

The love of Christ was so powerful that many people had spontaneous healing's in his presence. I am not singling out Jesus, for there have been many masters throughout the ages who have performed miracles. Some are even alive today, such as Sai Baba in India.

As Christ taught, no one is spared access to the Christ loving if they seek it. Breathe, and remember your innocent essence is the Christ flame of unconditional love that consumes all obstacles. There will always be problems to solve in your human world, but the obstacles to feeling profoundly loved are only perceived in your mind. Its just an old habit you can change.

If you have been out of balance, ask yourself what has been your primary motivation? Look for the valid need. If you look deep enough you will probably find that your need is to feel more loved. How can you feel more loved? Where does love come from?

At least conceptually, you probably know that love comes from the whole universe that can only be accessed through yourself. It ocomes from all the gifts you give yourself: Whether it is remembering to brush your teath or getting an education in the field of your passion. Recently I gave myself the car I had wanted for years. I felt elated, not by a car itself, but by my ability to love myself enough to manifest exactly what I needed and wanted. Every time I drive my car, I feel this wonderful gift of my love, that I am worth having "the best." Being loving to yourself means being present to your body, mind, and feelings; to eat when you are hungry, sleep when you are sleepy, meditate when stessed, and to love others to maintain healthy relationships. If you haven't been feeling much love lately, you have probably allowed yourself to be distracted. What is more important than feeling loved?

You may need to give up looking for love in places that leave you feeling empty inside. If you haven't been feeling very loved lately, the opportunity is for you to become a better receiver. My experience is that when I am a good receiver of love, I automatically give it. But when I am forgetting to receive, I feel too empty inside to give anything substantial. While "giving" from this empty place and secretly hoping I will get something back, I usually get nothing or only "crumbs" in return, because the issue is that I have been a poor receiver all along. No one can heal this issue for me.

Where is the love that is an overflowing gusher that never ends? Seek and you shall find. To turn on a light, you have to make the demand for the energy by flipping on the switch. The following statements are a way of opening your circuit of endless loving. I invite you to give them a whirl. See how it feels to say them out loud and mean it! I suggest reading them all through once. Repeat as you feel to the ones that made you feel most alive
. Replace any words as needed to fit your difinition of the divine.

I desire to receive the love of Christ.
I desire to receive the love of my whole Universe.
I desire to receive my divine Mother and Father's love for me.
I desire to receive the love of my Angels, Masters and Guides.
I desire my own unconditional love.

Breathe, feel, and when you are ready, upgrade to ...

I deserve to receive Christ loving.
I deserve to receive the love of my whole Universe.
I deserve to receive my divine Mother and Father's love for me.
I deserve to receive the love of my Angels, Masters and Guides.
I deserve my love loving now, always, and in all ways.

Breathe, feel, and when you are ready, upgrade to ...

I choose to receive my Christ loving.
I choose to receive the love of my whole Universe.
I choose to receive my divine Mother and Father's love for me.
I choose to receive the love of my Angels, Masters and Guides
I choose to love myself exactly as I am now.
I choose to be loved now and always.
I choose to be loving now, always, and in all ways.

Breathe, feel, and when you are ready, upgrade to ...I now receive Christ's love.
I now receive the love of my whole Universe.
I now receive my divine Mother and Father's love for me.
I now receive the love of my Angels, Masters and Guides.
I now receive my own magnificent loving.

Breathe, feel, and when you are ready, upgrade to ...

I AM Christ love, overflowing now and forever.
I AM God's loving embodied.
I AM my Divine Mother's love that heals and sustains all life.
I AM loving my precious body, feelings, mind, and Spirit.
I AM loved in all my relationships as I love them in all ways.

I Am perfect love, now and forever overflowing in all ways.

I am loving myself and all my relations.

To close, I leave you with this lullaby I wrote years ago:

God Loves me
She loves me
I love me
I am free!


Joa Marcu © 2010



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